Heather McQuillan

Heather is the author of three Storylines Notable Books for young readers; Mind Over Matter (2007), Nest of Lies (2012), and Avis and the Promise of Dragons (2020). In 2005 Heather won the Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award and in 2018 was shortlisted for the Storylines Tessa Duder Award. Her collection of flash fiction stories Where Oceans Meet was published in the UK in 2019. Heather’s stories have been selected for the prestigious Best Small Fictions (US) in 2017, 2019 and 2020. For a long time Heather was a teacher who wrote. Now she is a writer who teaches. The two roles keep getting tangled. Heather loves her job as director and tutor with Write On School for Young Writers. She also likes dragons and chocolate and secrets.


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