Lisa Reihana

Lisa Reihana (MNZM) is a visual artist who completed a Masters in Design (Unitec Institute of Technology, 2014) and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art from Auckland University. Reihana’s work is held in major national and international institutions. In 2017 she represented New Zealand in the 57th Venice Biennale. Exhibitions this year include Christian Louboutin Paris, Sydney Biennale and ihi at Aotea Centre, Auckland. Tai Whetuki – House of Death Redux, The Walters Prize 2016, Auckland Art Gallery, 2016; Close Encounters: The Next 500 Years, Plug In ICA, Winnipeg, Canada, 2011; Unnerved, GOMA, Brisbane and NGV, Melbourne Australia in 2010; Close Encounters, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, USA, 2010; Global Feminisms, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA, 2007. Her work is held in many collections worldwide.

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