The WORD Christchurch 2020 Youth Jury presents this celebration of stories across culture and language. Following the translation of the first of 100 books into te reo Māori by Kotahi Rau Pukapuka Trust, youth jurors Isla Reeves and Nelly Campbell-Reeves read an excerpt from Paulo Coelho’s much-loved novel The Alchemist, first in te reo Māori and then in English, with New Zealand Sign Language interpretation by Amy Hewgill. Award-winning writer Tania Roxborogh also reads an excerpt from her forthcoming novel Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea. This is an accessible, all-ages event that explores both the particularities of and connections across the official languages of Aotearoa-New Zealand. Supported by the Rata Foundation.
Click here for accessibility information.
COVID-19 update. Ticket allocation is for the current Alert Level. If there is a change back to Level 2 at the time of the festival, tickets booked under the original Level 2 requirements will be given preference.
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